Kitten sitting on a yoga mat. The cat is on the mat for yoga, fitness

Do Cats Have Chakras Too?

For those of you more spiritual folks out there, you’ve probably seen a lot of discussions floating around the internet about how to open your chakras. Practices involving chakra work have gained considerable popularity over the last few years. Personally, because I’m admittedly all about surfing the latest spiritual wave to hit western culture, I’ve been getting keen on collecting those delightful chakra pillar candles from Five Below and following along with Brett Larkin’s chakra challenge on YouTube. All of this got me thinking, do cats have chakras? Like, is that a thing? Cat chakras? So of course, I took to the internet to do some research and have come here to share with you my bounty of knowledge. Strap in and enjoy, my cat-loving yogis.

What’s A Chakra?

Okay, so let’s back up a little bit. For my readers who haven’t previously held any interest in yoga, let’s discuss a little bit about what a chakra is. The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit term meaning “wheel”. According to Indian culture, the human body contains 7 chakras. These chakras are sources of energy within the body that allow us to experience, interpret, and connect with the world us. These 7 chakras are named as follows; the first chakra is the muladhara, or “root” chakra. This chakra relates to our more physical needs in terms of survival. The second is the svadhishthana, or “sacral” chakra, which allows us to relate to others. Third is the manipura, or “solar plexus”. This chakra represents the control we are able to exert over our lives. Fourth is the anahata, or “heart” chakra, which of course represents our openness to love. The fifth chakra is the vishuddha, or “throat” chakra. This chakra is our source of energy when it comes to our ability to communicate openly to those around us. Next is the ajna, or “third eye” chakra. You may have heard quite a lot about the third eye; it is the place in our bodies where we are able to focus clearly on life as a whole, within the scope of the “big picture”, so to speak. Lastly is the sahasrara chakra. This is referred to as the “crown” chakra, which connects us to our spirituality.

Chakras In Cats

So, with this understanding of what chakras are, let’s follow the consensus of who’s got ‘em. When I first entered this investigation, I thought it might be a little crazy. “I’m probably the only weirdo out here thinking about cat chakras,” I whispered to myself while lurking around Ye Olde Google. But to my surprise and delight, I learned I was not. As it turns out, many animal lovers have been pondering the same question… and good news – the answers appear to tip in the affirmative!

According to Feline Wellness, balancing your cat’s chakra system is a beneficial part of every cat’s overall health. (However, it should be noted here that holistic methods such as this should not be implemented in lieu of visits to the vet, but in addition to.) One method of doing this includes “using crystal therapy by placing crystals in the chakra colors near or on your feline companion”, which is not unlike one of the methods used for clearing a human’s chakras (a method that I’ve personally undertaken myself many years ago, leaving me feeling mysteriously unburdened and curiously calm. You may still be incredulous, but I’m just sayin’ it like it is.) Plus, it lets you enjoy the excitement of putting stuff on your cat, an entertaining feline-centric phenomenon ensured to delight cat-lovers of any and all spiritual beliefs.

Additionally, according to Humanity Healing, “ In general, the balance of the whole body of the animal is done in all the chakras, beginning with the root chakra at the base of the tail, or the brachial chakra. The corresponding treatments can be done using acupuncture, color therapy, Reiki, and flower remedies. Acupuncture in animals, for example, has been shown to be a beneficial treatment for diseases of the nervous, reproductive, respiratory and heart (circulatory) systems. It is known to relieve the physical pain, to promote wellness, providing balance, which gives the animal a better quality of life.”

Chakra Blocks

What causes a chakra to become blocked or agitated? According to many Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, chakras can become disrupted by a number of things. Trauma, loss, conflict, and anxiety are all possible triggers, and just like humans, every animal is unique and interprets different situations in different ways. For this reason, routine chakra maintenance becomes an important part of may people’s lives, and those who choose these spiritual practices do so as a means to supplement a healthy lifestyle.

If you’re still iffy on this whole chakra thing, consider this: Tallyrand, an abandoned kitten found in a storm drain, was brought into the Humane Rescue Alliance where it was discovered that she was suffering from a broken back, leaving her paralyzed. In addition to other medical treatments, Tallyrand received routine acupuncture. These acupuncture sessions have been considered a major part of her journey in regaining the ability to walk. Adorable? Yes. Proof of kitty chakra healing in action? Well, just ask Tallyrand! 

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