Cat Dad Hall of Fame

Cat Dad Hall of Fame

Have you ever imagined yourself in a Hall of Fame with icons like Pablo Picasso, James Dean, or Freddie Mercury? Probably not. What if I told you that if you’re an amazing cat dad, like those guys, you could be sitting in the Cat Dad Hall of Fame with them?

Sir Isaac Newton (inventor, mathematician, scientist, cat dad)

When Newton wasn’t busy setting the principles for modern physics, he was a cat dad. This guy landed himself in the Cat Dad Hall of Fame because he actually invented the cat door, which is what we typically call a dog door today, because he wanted his whiskered-critters to be independent and happy.

Mark Twain (author, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, cat dad)

Mark Twain was an awesome cat dad. Twain has been quoted saying, “I simply can’t resist a cat, particularly a purring one. They are the cleanest, cunningest, and most intelligent things I know, outside of the girl you love, of course.” Many cat parents can relate to Twain’s feelings about cats, and he sure was outspoken about his love for them. Twain is in the Cat Dad HOF, because of his one-of-a-kind cat names; Sour Mash, Appollinaris, Zoraste, and Beelzebub to name a few.

Victor Hugo (author, Les Miserable, cat dad)

Victor Hugo thought cats were majestic creatures; he also thought that they were the epitome of cleanliness, (cleanliness was not so much a thing in 1800s France). Hugo has numerous quotes about his love for cats, but this one shows how much he truly adored felines, “God made the cat so that man might have the pleasure of caressing the tiger.”

Pablo Picasso (artist, cat dad)

Pablo Picasso absolutely loved cats. In fact, cats were often the muse for his paintings. His 1941 painting, Dora Maat au cat, is the second most expensive paintings in the world. The painting, appropriately named, features his lover Dora Maat, with a small black cat on her shoulder. The fact a kitty he owned was featured in one of the world’s most expensive paintings, is how Picasso earned his spot in the Cat Dad HOF.

Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States, cat dad)

When Abraham Lincoln was not busy being one of the most influential presidents in American history, he was a devout cat dad. In fact, that may have been one of the only things he paid attention to outside of his duties. His wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, has even been quoted saying, “Cats are my husband’s only hobby.” Lincoln is a little too relatable… His cats Dixie and Tabby are so iconic, that they would attend presidential dinners, and Lincoln would even talk to them in front of his cabinet. Whether you call him Honest Abe, or Relatable Abe, he has surely earned himself a spot in the Cat Dad HOF.

Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the United States, cat dad)

Another president had definitely earned his spot in the Cat Dad Hall of Fame. President Coolidge was such a crazy cat dad, that when his beloved kitty Tiger disappeared from the White House, he enlisted the help of his secret service to drop what they were doing to find Tiger. He even demanded a radio campaign to help find him!

Freddie Mercury (musician, Queen, cat dad)

This cool cat had his own cool cats named Tiffany, Romeo, and Delilah. Freddie Mercury even earned himself the title of “rock’s greatest lover of cats.” At one point, Mercury had ten cats living with him! In fact, he loved cats so much, that he had his friend, Donald McKenzie, paint portraits of all his cats on a waistcoat. This sounds like the characteristics of a cat dad worthy of the HOF!

James Dean (actor, Rebel Without a Cause, cat dad)

An iconic actor, and an iconic cat dad, James Dean had a cat named Marcus. The cool part about it? Marcus was a Siamese cat gifted to Dean from Elizabeth Taylor after filming for their movie Giant wrapped. He loved Marcus so much that on breaks from filming Dean went home to be with him and feed him because he did not want Marcus to be alone.

We love cat dads. We especially love good cat dads. Do you think you can join the ranks of this prestigious hall of fame?

Cover photo via: The Telegraph


  1. Queen is my favorite group and I love Freddie even more for being a cat dad!

  2. Thomas Crown

    James Byron Dean is my idol. Had he lived long enough I think he would have been a cool Dad for Marcus. Dean had a uncle and eleven year old cousin both named Marcus Winslow.
    I met his cousin in 1980. I was with a group of Jimmy’s fans when Marcus along with his wife Nancy allowed us to tour the house in Fairmount, Indiana that Jimmy lived in after his mother’s death in 1940.
    I remember we were in the living room when one of his fans asked him if Jimmy had named Marcus after him or his uncle and he replied he wasn’t sure. I always wondered who adopted his kitty after Dean died.

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