Lucky Cats Around the World

Lucky Cats Around the World

It’s the time of year when we’re all searching for four-leaf clovers and chasing rainbows in search of that elusive pot of gold. No matter what our heritage, we’re all hoping for a wee bit of the luck of the Irish. But maybe we should be looking no further than our feline friends for luck.

It’s true that most superstitions surrounding cats have more of a negative persuasion, but there are many areas around the world that actually find cats to be lucky. After reading these you may no longer be apprehensive when a black cat crosses your path but rather welcome it. Those of you with (or even those without) Irish blood may be aware of the Irish Black Bog Cat, but there are many more.

If instead you’re looking for a little boost of luck this Friday the 13th, you might consider picking up a Japanese Lucky Cat. Whatever your need for luck may be, you wouldn’t be alone by turning to a cat.

Marriage Blessings

In England, giving a bride a black cat on her wedding day will not only bring her good luck, but if she chooses to keep it, will ensure a long and happy life with her chosen mate. These two things may just help her to forget about a few black hairs on her white dress.

On a similar note, in Japan, a black cat may act as matchmaker and bring a single woman many good suitors.

A Bountiful Harvest

The Norse goddess, Freya, is known as the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty and rides a chariot pulled by two black cats. If Freya was pleased, the harvest would be bountiful, so farmers would leave bowls of milk in their fields for Freya’s two cats so that she would bless their harvest.

A Feline Treasure Map

In France, peasants have long believed that black cats will lead you to treasure and great wealth. When in doubt, follow the cat.

Smooth Sailing

English sailors believed that having a black cat aboard the ship would ensure a safe return to port. This belief became so strong that the price of black cats, during these times, skyrocketed to prices so high that the common sailor couldn’t afford to buy one. How’s that for irony?

The Golden Rule

In Chinese culture, keeping a black cat safe and protected within your home will in turn keep your home safe and protected. That cat will ward off evil and bad luck but only if you treat it right. Treat it wrong and your good luck and good fortune will end.


When a cat sneezes in Italy, it is believed that all those who hear it will have good luck. So, do these Italians say felicita (happiness) after the cat sneezes as well? I would think so since good luck usually brings about happiness.

One-eyed Wishes

Some Americans believe that when you see a one-eyed cat you should spit on your thumb and then press it into your palm. You should then make a wish and it will come true.

Money Cats

Black cats in the south of France were called matagot, or money cats. If you provided a money cat with a nice bed, the first bite of your dinner, or a safe home, they would provide you with wealth and good luck. Money cats indeed!

Cats, especially black ones, have incorrectly gotten a bad rap in certain parts of the world. However, in some cultures rather than considering it back luck to have a black cat cross your path, you should instead look at it as a lucky charm and an omen of good things to come-whether that be wealth, good luck, or simply friendly cat snuggles.

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