Cat Pet Peeves: Things Your Cat Hates

Cat Pet Peeves: Things Your Cat Hates

Someone chewing too loud or snorting when they laugh, maybe it’s the improper use of the word ‘whom.’ We’ve all got them, those little annoyances that should be no big deal but instead nearly send us over the edge. What you might not realize is that your feline friend harbors some of her own pet peeves as well. Some of the more common ones may sound familiar and some you might not have ever thought of. Find out what the top cat pet peeves are and how to make sure you’re not one of them!

One is The Loneliest Number

Even though your cat’s attitude may convey a feeling of wanting to be left alone, the truth is actually the opposite. Kitties long for attention of all kinds, from both furry and non-furry individuals. While he might not show it the way a dog does by incessantly licking at your face or by knocking you down when you walk through the door, your cat still wants to be with you. He doesn’t require much, just a couple minutes of play here and there and sometimes it’s enough just to sleep in the vicinity of you while you go about your day. Giving your kitty the attention that they require and not leaving him for long periods of time will help to keep depression, anxiety and other negative emotions at bay.

Cat Pet Peeves - What annoys your kitty?

This Cat But Not That Cat

While we just said that cats don’t really like to be alone, they definitely do like to pick their company carefully. You understand this if you’ve ever tried to surprise your cat with a new furry roommate. It can take a little while for kitties to warm up to new animals, especially if they feel like their territory is being encroached upon. You’ll also witness this pet peeve if a neighborhood cat tries to step foot inside your yard. Even if your kitty isn’t allowed outside, you can bet she’s putting up a fight on the other side of that window or sliding glass door.

The Air In There

With the amount of time that your cat spends cleaning and primping herself, it’s no wonder that she may have a serious disdain for litter box odor or filth. Some cats are so particular about the cleanliness of their receptacle that they’ll choose to go elsewhere rather than scratch among this morning’s pee clump. Even scooping the litter box frequently might not be enoughSome kitties will be put off by even the faintest box odor. They may even despise the overly sweet floral smell of the litter that you use to try to cover it up.

Cat Pet Peeves - What annoys your kitty?

Just The Right Touch

In the middle of the ultimate petting session, you’re getting all the right places, he’s rubbing your hand and rolling on his side when all of a sudden, your cat sinks his teeth into you and then turns tail and runs away. It’s the ultimate in mixed signals, but the fact is that cats can be very particular about where and how they are petted.

Most will greatly appreciate a gently tickle under the chin and a long stroke down the back but when you venture into the tummy or tail region, it’s over. Some cat’s comfort zones are very narrow while others have a little more give, but most cats can agree that the aggressive stuff just isn’t for them. They prefer that you take your time and apply gentle, even pressure rather than the quick rough and tumble that you may only have time for.

The Spoils of Dinnertime

While a dog would relish a meal that is just a little south of its expiration date, your cat does not sport those same taste buds. They’re looking for the freshest of the fresh and may even turn their nose up at last night’s leftover kibble. Serving a fresh meal can be difficult when we have to be away from our kitties, so in order to ensure they are getting their necessary nutrition an automated feeder may be necessary.

Cat Pet Peeves - What annoys your kitty?

Cats have the reputation of being the persnickety pets of the animal world and usually with just cause. It’s hard to have a list of pet peeves and not be seen as a little high maintenance. However, with some understanding on your part you can make sure to avoid most annoyances that would have your cat rolling her eyes and instead have her confiding in you when something else gets her dander up.

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