Let’s be honest- the last few months have been a unique experience for all of us… including our pets. If we’re stuck at home, thank goodness we have our feline friends to entertain us! Some are coping in hilarious and adorable ways… and when we asked over on our facebook to see your #quarantinecats, you delivered! We compiled our favorites below:
1. Tater shows off a big yawn

2. Floyd loves that his owners are home to share his sunshine time

3. Cat snuggle pile!

4. Tom running his mouth ?

5. Puca has opted for meals with family.

6. Taking silly selfies

7. Willow yelling for attention

8. Wickets has been working hard every day.

9. Life is all about balance

10. This cat looks like how I feel after binge-watching Netflix for 15 hours straight

11. Too tired of this

12. Puca opts for moments to de-stress.

13. Can you find the cat hiding in plain sight?

14. Day 67 of Quarantine – Hazel can now smell colors ?

To see the full collection, head over to our instagram. Thanks so much to the CatGenie tribe for submitting their #quarantinecat photos! ?