One of my favorite things to do is travel, but like all cat lovers, I can’t stand being too far away from my cat for too long. Or, just, cats… in general. I need to have some source of cat-related interaction in order to survive. You may think I’m hyperbolizing, but it’s true!. And the same can be said for many cat fanatics as well. That’s why I’ve comprised a cornucopious selection of one-of-a-kind cat-related experiences that you can have on your summer vaycay this year.
Cats Festival, Belgium

2018 might be the year of the dog, but in Belgium, it’s the year of the cat. The Cats Festival in Ypres, Belgium only happens once every three years, and it just so happens that 2018 is gonna be one of them. The tri-annual Kattenstoet (“Festival of Cats”) has been happening since 1955, but it’s roots go way, way farther than that – even as far as the Middle Ages. See, in the Middle Ages, when literally everything was considered “witchcraft”, cats were thought to be in cahoots with the devil. As such, it was believed that if you throw a bunch of cats out of a belfry window, you’ll be, I don’t know, banishing evil? Or something? #MiddleAgesLogic.
Though its beginnings are gruesome, the festival itself has evolved into a celebration of all things feline. One of the most significant parts of the celebration is the procession of gigantic, anthropomorphic cat figures tooling around the town square. A tradition of throwing plush cat toys out of the Cloth Hall belfry to the crowd of people down below, each hoping to catch one, is another main event that takes place during the Kattenstoet. Attendees have also been known to dress as cats, mice, or witches, so make sure you bring the appropriate attire!
The Village of Houtong, Taiwan

Headed East for the summer? The Houtong Cat Village in Taiwan is famous for its cat population. Seriously, this place is brimming with cats, and it’s all thanks to a local cat enthusiast named Peggy Chien. Peggy, along with a handful of volunteers, began caring for the stray cats dotting Houtong in 2008. She shared some of the pictures of these precious babies, and an interest in the town began to grow. Now it’s on the top of the list for many cat admirers as a place to visit, rest, enjoy, and to do the single most important thing any human possibly could; pet some cats.
Hemingway’s House, USA

Looking for a place in the US to venture through? The Hemingway Home is sure to delight cat lovers from all over the world. Ernest Hemingway, renowned American novelist, had one very special love in his life, and that was his cat Snow White. Though Hemingway had as many as 23 cats over the course of his life, Snow White, a beautiful polydactyl baby, was his first. The Hemingway Home in Key West, Florida, currently houses about 50 cats, all of whom are descended from Snow White, and over half of whom bear their ancestor’s extra little bean toes. While the museum houses a veritable bundle of furry babies, it is also of great cultural interest for history buffs. You can learn a thing AND pet a cat! Simultaneously, even!
Cat Museum, San Francisco
Another kitty-related hotspot for travelers right here in the US is the Cat Museum of San Francisco. Some of you, dear readers, may remember my travelogue about Amsterdam and the cat museum located there. If you’ve been pining to go there ever since, I’ve got good news! The Cat Museum of San Francisco is also home to an impressive amount of cat-centric collections in all manner of media, including a unique look into the lives of cats in ancient Egypt. You can even put your cat under the Protective Paw of Bastet, the cat goddess of Egypt, on their website!
Kuching, Malaysia

Wanna go to a place that is literally Cat City Central? Kuching is a large and populous city located in Sarawak, Malaysia. The word “Kuching” means “cat” in Malay, so we’re already off to a good start. Throughout the city you will see a bunch of huge statues of – you guessed it – cats. Perfect for posing with for pictures, admiring, and posting all over Instagram to make your fellow cat fanatic followers suuuper jeal. And that’s not all! Since we’re on the topic of cat museums, Kuching boasts a museum of its own, dedicated to our furry feline companions. It is there you will find a host of cat-themed artwork, exhibits, and of course, souvenirs.
With all of these glorious options to choose from, it may be difficult to pick just one. My suggestion is to squirrel away your life’s savings and then blow it all on one Cat Tour Across the World, but I’m also really irresponsible and just cat-crazy enough to do such a thing. But just one of these locations is worth a look for your summer vacation! Are you chomping at the bit to buy your plane ticket yet!?