Ahh Halloween… A time for carving pumpk- “Hey Dachi get down from there!” Yes, Halloween is a time for warm apple cid- “Sorrel get out of the fake spider web!” Let us try this once more. Halloween, a time for- “Kale do not bite that!”
So, your cats are convinced that they are interior decorators? Well do not worry because you are not alone. I reckon a large amount of cat parent’s struggle to mesh their taste along with their cats. For example, you wanted to hang those cute little witch lights in the window, but someone with four little paws thought that they would look better in a knot on the playroom floor.
It is important to approach any situation with patience when involving your cat. You have to admit, from a cat’s perspective, some decor can easily be mistaken for a play-thing. It is obvious what attracts them… The textures, the smells and of course the way that plastic ghost glistens in the moonlight. What can we do to help our cats avoid some of the spooky tricks and hazardous treats? How can we make this a “spooktacular” Halloween for ourselves and our furry friends?!
What to Look Out For…
Keep it Illuminated
First thing is first- we must end the tradition of using anything flammable, like tea lights. LEDs make a great alternative and offer an expansive variety when it comes to color, cost and customizable settings. For example, some companies make flickering and yellow tinted LEDs that give the illusion of a real flame.
While we are on the topic of lighting we can shift our attention toward string lights. They look so good but are potentially dangerous if kept in pet’s reach. A useful thing to have around your house to avoid, “cat”astrophe, are hooks that are specifically designed to fasten string lights to almost any wall or ceiling with little damage to the wall itself. You can pick them up at any hardware store. Dachi is a notorious “wire biter”; These hooks have saved my life!

From Trick to Treat
As some of us know, Halloween has the tendency to bring a variety of sweets and treats into the home. You will want to especially avoid, at all costs, decorating with food. This obviously poses a bigger threat during Christmas with the construction of gingerbread houses and popcorn garland. Be sure to keep chocolate and the like safely tucked away in a cupboard allowing no way for your pet to be exposed to the threats they may hold such as heart arrhythmias, muscle tremors, or seizures. I am not a licensed specialist, so please be sure to contact your vet immediately if you suspect that your pet has ingested something it should not have.
Kale is really good with his paws and teeth. I have seen him open doors and claw through treat bags. I definitely learned the hard way, not to store tempting treats in plain sight. These critters are crafty! Do not underestimate their power!
Keep it Boo-tiful
There are plenty of measures we can take to avoid any injury, but what about the little things we cannot avoid? Your cat may be a mantle dweller and it just so happens that is where you have your favorite faux leaves placed every October. Before I put anything on display what I like to do it put the object on the ground and show the cats. This allows them to get familiar with the smells and eventually bore them.
If your cat is relentless and will not keep out of the faux spider webs in the window, keep a jar of pennies to rattle instead of yelling. Trust me, this will also save your voice!
Halloween should end on a Treat- not a Trick
It is important to remember to have fun with whatever you have planned this holiday season. If you keep in mind these simple tips and tricks, decorating may present itself to be easier than you think! Have a Happy Halloween!
Great tips, love the tone!!!
Hi Taylor-
Great article on cat safety. I am also a cat person and appreciate any advice cat parents can be given to keep their babies safe. I recently started volunteering for PALS, a pet rescue. I socialize, feed, and clean homeless cats and show them to prospective adopters. If you have any free time, you might want to volunteer as well. One of the best things that I ever did! I am a long time friend of your Aunt Kathy.