Does My Cat Know I Love Her?

Does My Cat Know I Love Her?

Everyone knows about dog affection, but what about cat affection? Everyone who’s ever been in the presence of a dog for more than 30 seconds knows how they reciprocate affection, and you’d be pretty hard-pressed to find a dog-owner who stares listlessly out the window wondering to himself, “does Captain Puddles get it? I mean, I know he knows I care for him, but does he like, get it?” Dogs show their appreciation for the love they receive immediately and without restraint. Cat owners, on the other hand, may find themselves in a constant state of “does my cat like me, or does he like-like me?” Visions of John Cusack holding a boombox over his head while blasting Peter Gabriel begin to form, as we desperately search for a way to express our undying endearment.

Does My Cat Know I Love Her?Some people believe cats assume that getting fed every day is synonymous with love. However, this would an egregious misconception. Cats believe you feed them because that’s what you’re supposed to do. You’re not showing love – you’re simply fulfilling your duties as the caretaker you are. And when you think about it, it does make sense. I mean, if you have a child and you feed them, you’re not necessarily showing that you love them, you’re just not being the worst person ever by allowing your offspring to starve to death. (Not that a cat couldn’t fend for itself, mind you.) You might say to me, “excuse the heck out of YOU, but MY precious Kitty Kitty Bang Bang LOVES showing me affection when she’s knows it’s dinner time!” No, my friend.

According to a recent study, cats will blast the cuteness level up to 100 if they think it will get them an early, or more hearty meal. Cats know they’re cute, and they know that you love when they’re cute, and they use their feline wiles to lure you into forking over some extra yum yums. And, again, as the article states, “food is not affection”.

That being said, not all hope is lost when it comes to making a meaningful connection with your fuzzy lovedumpling. As we know, there are a list of ways that cats show affection, and by reciprocating or simply accepting that affection, we can make good on the expression of fondness. (And no, unfortunately squeezing their little schmoopy faces until you give yourself a nosebleed is not one of them. Cats don’t understand Cuteness Aggression, much to my dismay.)

First and foremost, consider your cat’s body language. Does your fluffy pudding’s little swiffer tail swish around when you’re near? Does she seem relaxed in your presence? Does she present you with her little belly tum tum whenever you look at her? These are all signs of cat affection, and they all make the statement, “hey, you’re a pretty cool dude. I think you’re great and I feel safe when you sit on the couch and Google yourself all day. Here, behold my luxuriously robust midsection. You’re welcome.”

Does My Cat Know I Love Her?When your delicious honeybean makes these gestures, make sure to give her the attention she deserves. Cats pick up on things that many humans often disregard – you know, vibes and whatever. How? Well, if you’d ask me I’d tell you that they are super psychic genius alien babies who can tap into the subconscious universe, but this is A Very Serious Article and I am A Very Serious Author so, maybe we’ll leave that discussion for another report. In any case, if you maintain a good, open, and loving vibe around your cat, they’ll pick up on it. Your cats get you more than you think they do.

Next, take notice of her behavior. Does she run up to you and run between your legs when you first come home? She’s not trying to trip and kill you, though maybe you have come close to actually smashing your face on the kitchen counter because of it. She’s greeting you! Return the favor. Make sure she’s the first to receive attention when you walk through the door. Does she sit her fat tabby tush on your laptop when you’re trying to write an article about cats? She’s saying, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME AND NOT THE OTHER THING YOU ARE CURRENTLY DOING”, and that’s your opportunity to make sure she knows that she’s the center of your universe. Simply checking in with your cats and giving them some attention will ensure that they know how ya feel.

Finally, observe your cat’s habits. Does she snuggle up with you when you go to sleep? Does she seek you out from time to time just to say hello? Whenever your cat approaches you for tenderness, make sure you acknowledge her. All in all, even the most aloof and brooding cat will be able to pick up on your warmth and devotion. Whether they choose to admit it or not, they can sense when a person loves them (and hates them). So always make sure you’re emitting good, kitty-positive vibes, and your cat will be sure to indulge in the lovefest.

Tell us how your cat shows affection in the comments below!






  1. My cat was a barn cat of my neighbors as a kitten when she was at least 6 months give or take a month, I took her home. She took time to get used to her new home, and she’s comfortable now. She’s like 1 and a half now. Maybe 2. She talks all the time and she never rubs up on anyone or head butts or anything. She has on occasion, later on my lap or accepted my hand after smelling it. She does follow me somewhat and she sleeps at the end of my bed in the middle of the night. Why doesn’t she show anymore love? I even give her kitty treats sometimes.

    • Thanks for your comment, Amber! It sounds like your kitty has come a long way. But unfortunately, not all cats are the “cuddly” type. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you, she just shows it by being near you instead of on top of you. Coming from a barn cat background could have something to do with it. You can try bribing her with a treat if you catch her bring affectionate. Treats might encourage her to embrace her cuddly side. 🙂

    • carla Norris

      I have four cats and each one knows I love them all different and special ways. Each cat shows me that they do in fact love me very differently. but I love them all

  2. My cat does a lot of these things head butting me, meowing while staring at me, follows me, shows his belly, blinking slowly, kneeding, and hurries to me when I call for him with my usual kissing noise which is always followed by affection. I love my cat to death he’s 5 years old and I’ve had him since he was a kitten. I haven’t been living with my mom so I only come over for an hour or two daily. Before that I lived there and we’d sleep in my room together however then he hardly did any of these things he does now. Do you think he just misses me? Also he seemed to open up more when I was very sad due to trauma and my father leaving and I ended up be gone a lot then too for weeks at a time.

    • Diomira Keane

      Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, cats can definitely miss their humans! I’m sure your baby bean still knows how much you love him! 🙂

  3. I have 2 cats, Sheba and Ariel, both females. Sheba has been with me since birth and greets me every day at the door when I come home. She loves to lie across my lap when I’m sitting on the sofa watching TV. And she follows me around the house almost all the time. Ariel is older and is a rescue. Her level of affection is off the charts. At night she lies on the bed purring while I do a vigourous rub behind her ear. She’ll lie with me until I fall asleep, then she’ll linger, cuddled up by my side for a couple of hours before going to her room. She comes out to the kitchen and lays at my feet just to be with me. I know my babies love me and they are the best companions I’ve ever had. I am a senior citizen living on my own and they are truly comforting to me. I love them both dearly and I know they love me. I am so blessed.

  4. Why does my cat growl at me sometimes.I feel she hates me when she does that and I give her nothing but love.

    • Diomira Keane

      Hi Lisamarie! It sounds like your cat might be a little anxious. I would definitely consult your vet about her behavior. All cats are different, but if there *is* something stressing her out, there are many ways to try to make her feel more comfortable. I hope this helps, best of luck!!

  5. My golden tabby Niles is on my lap as I type this – he’s the best cuddler I’ve ever known. He loves curling up on my lap when I’m working, and will actually come find me if I’m elsewhere in the house to let me know he wants to have snuggle time. He’s also very liberal with the Slow Blink and apparently wanders the house looking for me when I’m not home. I adopted him 2.5 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I love this cat more than almost anything in my life; he’s been one of my greatest blessings.

  6. My little buddy sleeps on top of me, or burrowed into the “valley” of the blanket between my knees, or burrowed into my side.

    When I leave the apartment, he parks himself on the carpet near the door and stays there until I return. At first I thought he was hearing me coming and would run to the door, but no — I’ve had friends over and have stepped out for a few minutes to run to the store or whatever, and they’ve told me that my cat doesn’t move from the door while I’m gone.

    He follows me everywhere, he cannot bear a closed door between us, and when I lay down on the couch he pads up to my chest and starts purring, which is his way of saying he wants affection. Sometimes he “grooms” my hair too lol.

    So take that, people who say dudes can’t be good cat carers! It’s now been more than 2 years since I adopted my cat, and now it seems weird thinking about what life was like before I had him.

    • Ditto with my two 2-year olds, who are sisters and have been with me since they were 9 weeks old (too young, I know, but their previous owner needed to find homes for them early as she was due to give birth herself the next week :-)). They are very different characters but show me tons of affection in their own ways – and with two, there’s always one around who is up for cuddles and play, even if the other one is currently enjoying some “Me-Time”.
      I don’t know if they hang around the hallway waiting for me all day when I go to work (hope not – my home is a cat-haven full of cat trees and cosy corners, and I’d like to think they prefer to look after their personal comfort and don’t spend all day just waiting for Mommy to come home). But they’re always waiting at the door when I get back, no matter what time it is (if I’m early, they’re likely to be yawning and stretching a lot, as I’ll have just woken them from one of their luxurious cat naps), and whilst one stands on her hind legs with one paw on me and tries to stroke me with her other paw and butt me with her head, the other one kitty-blinks from a little distance and then comes in to bunt me hello. The nicest welcome home there ever was.

    • Diomira Keane

      Your little Bubs sounds like the sweetest little fella! BIG congrats on unlocking the achievement, Cat Fatherhood!

  7. My kitten has to be touching me when I sleep, if I move she squeaks grumpily and stretches herself over my legs. She also purrs the loudest when around me, even if she’s just sitting next to me. She also loves trying to groom me, even if I end up bleeding from her little nips. If I go to the bathroom, she’ll drop whatever she’s doing, even devouring food, to sit and wait by the door until I come out, before going back to what she was doing.

  8. I found my cat when he was wandering around a garbage in the middle of one night, 3 months ago. Me and my hubby fell in love with him immediately. We give him a home, food, bath him once every two weeks, took him to doctor, pet him as much as he demanded, give him treats, everything. Only one thing we didnt do, we cannot let him go out to the yard since he would ran away for sure if we let him free. Recently, he tried too many times to run away from us, is it because he want to find a mate? We still dont know everything about cats. We feel very miserable, sad and confuse. Why would he want to run away from us? Can you explain to me? THanks.

    • Are you sure he was a stray and didn’t aleady have a home with one of your neighbors? Maybe put up some “found” flyers with his picture and after a while, if no response, I suggest getting him fixed and maybe get him a cat or kitten companion (also fixed asap). Best wishes to you and kitty boy!

    • Maybe one thing could be – you don’t need to bath cats. Ever. Not unless they have digestive problems and have really messed themselves up so badly that they can’t do the clean-up themselves: otherwise they maintain their own cleanliness very thoroughly and very well. It’s tough to teach a cat to be happy to stay indoors once they are used to the outdoor life, but I’m sure it can be done with the level of care and love you’re obviously putting into your relationship with him, it’ll take some time though…

    • Diomira Keane

      Hi there! Some cats do prefer the outdoor life and are born to be feral. However, there are things you can try. Like some people have been saying, getting him fixed and maybe finding him a might will do the trick. As always, consult with a vet on your options! Best of luck! It sounds like you are some truly loving cat parents. Wishing you all well! 🙂

  9. It was December 12th, 2015 (like a marriage I remember the exact date). I was outside and it was cold and wet outside. A cat just started showing up out of nowhere. I didn’t know where he came from, but was worried because he was cold, wet and starving. I made him a bed outside in a plastic tote and fixed a t shirt tightly around the tub to where the neck of the shirt was his door. He stayed there all night. He would be meowing but scared at the same time. Finally I just drug him inside, he scared and reluctant. He cried and cried but I said No! You’re cold and wet and omg you’re warm now. Anything that happened he would run straight under my bed. Tried to find who this kitty belonged to with no luck although he had a collar and after taking him to the vet he was neutered. A few people came by to see if that was their cat…He’d run under my bed. He wanted to be with me. I feel he chose me to save him. Now I hadn’t had a cat since I was 16, I was 37 when he came. He was thoroughly traumatized by whatever happened to him. He’d run under my bed and I would like on the floor with my hand under the bed stroking him telling him everything will be OK. This went on for 5 or 6 months. I had a severely traumatic experience myself so I know how scared he was. Now this beautiful creature lays with me, constantly rolls on the floor belly up and even does this weird jump up behind the couch when I’m coming. He’s trying to scare me, it’s funny. He does this nose thing all over my face and rests his nose on the corner of my eye for a few seconds. But if I’m walking and he thinks I shouldn’t or am not paying attention to him and he whacks my legs over and over again as I’m walking….Sometimes standing on two legs. He’s scared to death of the vacuum and runs under the bed, so I bought a quieter one that involves no electricity :). He doesn’t really like my 12 year old son but after a year is getting used to him although my son can’t pet him. They’re just now starting to become comfortably acquainted. He greets me very loudly. He has learned to not claw the bathroom door jam. All I have to say is no. I don’t know where he came from but like I said he chose me and he chose well because there was no way I’d ever let anyone or anything hurt him ever again.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this.

  10. We are proud owners of 5 rescue cats. One that my wife found under our porch steps , he could not have been more than couple of weeks old as his eyes were barely able to open. She fed him mothers milk from the vet , he thinks she is his mother. We have had him since 2005. We have one that a neighbor abandoned when their house burned and we took it in when he finally decided that we would take good care of him. He is 13 years old. We have a black cat that we call our panther kitty. He is 25 pounds of solid muscle no fat. He is 13 years old. We have one that looks like she has some Siamese in her she is 12 years old and has not grown much since we adopted her she only weighs 6 pounds but eats like crazy. Our other one is 12 years old. We rescued her from the neighbor kids who were teasing and abusing her. We have had two cats pass away in last several years. One was 12 years old when she died of breast cancer that we spent a lot of money getting her treated for she also was diabetic which we were treating her for. We also lost our long haired Maine coon that was 22 1/2 years old when he died. Other than the Maine coon all the others were cats that we got to replace the six cats we lost when our house burned. One of the ones we lost in the fire was the brother of our Maine coon that we lost to old age.

    • Sheri Edwards

      I’m sorry you lost your other kitties. My sincerest condolensces. Sincerely, Sheri Edwards, FL

  11. Ruth Ford

    I’m currently under the paw of two rescued fur babies. I am regularly subjected to sandpaper washes. Cuddles, purrs and I often wake up covered in cat toys.

  12. I’m a dog person. One morning it was flooded, I went to my car and a 6 week old grey tabbie jumped from under and on my foot trying to play with me. I ended up taking her in, she was covered in fleas and had a respiratory infection, eyes red with gunk around. Went to the vet, got that taken care of. Clingiest little kitten I’d ever come across, tripped anytime I got up to walk. Jumped in the tub during a bath, jumped in my lap when I was taking a dump. It was like she couldn’t be left alone for 1 minute. She’s gotten better as she’s gotten old, but still likes to cuddle with me. It’s been 2 years now and I call her my Brendel pit bull. .

  13. Hi, this is my first time writing to a public page, however, it will not stop me to tell the tale of my cat Charcoal. As per her name, she was completely black, except for her tummy, that was white. She was a stray barn cat that belonged to friends of my parents (I’m only 16 years old.) She was the “Scaredy cat” she ran from everyone, hid from anything that moved; except for me, she seemed to only desire attention and affection from me. She would lay on my chest at night, while i slept, and purr so loud, to the point where i’d wake up, only to be greeted by licks and more purring. She was by far one of my favourite cats. Unfortunately, this is where the story turns rather dark, Charcoal, had 2 litters of kittens. The first litter, was a first for everyone, including myself. It was highly anticipated, i was excited, my family was excited, we all saw how big her belly got; we never went and got her an ultrasound, but we knew the litter wouldn’t be unsatisfactory number wise. Then IT happened. The fateful day that my Australian shepherd decided to chase after my poor pregnant Queen. With the Dog hot on her trail, she catastrophically collided with the corner of a wall in her mad dash to my room.(her safe-haven) A week or so passes, and she finally went into labour. The ENTIRE litter was still-borne. I was heart broken, she was heartbroken, it was a very sad time, we both mourned for the next following few days. Within weeks, i had given away my dog, as everytime I looked at him, I thought only of the tragedy he had caused. He was the murderer of my precious cat’s babies; I couldn’t dare to look at him. The second litter, with no dog in the house, was a complete success, she gave birth to 4 kittens, all of which grew to be the cutest and most adorable kittens i’d ever seen. Even the runt of the litter had quite the “glow up.” Needless to say, thanks for giving this a read, and I hope the best to anyone who took the time to read this story.

    • I’m sorry about your loss. I understand why you got rid of your dog too. I think I would feel the same way. Sometimes it’s hard to get over things like that and the best thing to do is give your pet away. Dogs can feel your emotions so keeping him would probably make him feel confused or hurt because he didn’t know what he did wrong. Plus it’s safer for your car and any future litters.

  14. My kitty was adopted at 3, he’s 4 now, but it’s taken the past 6 months up until now to get him to lay near me and hold him for a period of time. He has always let me pet him, but he’s really come around and is a lot more social now. I think he finally understands that he is loved and safe here.

  15. I love this. The entire article. I love the way you describe cats!! I feel the EXACT same way!! I have a glorious baby myself, which is exactly why I searched “does my cat know how much I love her” on google. I am so so so so so cosmically happy that this website popped up first. LOVE IT!

  16. “Psychic genius alien babies” holy shit favorite line ever


    Ever since we brought our Sox home she lays on the floor and shows us her tummy. We take it as she wants us to pick her up and kiss her and pet her. She loves it when we lift her up and say “all hail meowcifer” . She really does being so much joy to our lives.

  18. Kathy Randall

    Hi, thanks everyone for your insights. I bumped into this article due to a situation I just became accidentally involved in. My daughter rents a flat, one of several, above that of an old woman, the owner of the building, who recently passed away. She left behind two elderly indoor cats whose daily care now consists of being barricaded off in a small section of the house and having someone drop in to feed them once a day. Usually the owner’s daughter does it, but temporarily farmed the chore out to mine since she had going-away plans for the holidays. Now as my daughter wanted to visit out of town over Christmas as well, she asked me to look in on them so I got mentally as well as physically involved. When I lost my house, rather than take my two ten-year-old, home-born, feral-with-anyone-but-us gingers into a cubbyhole with me after they’d spent their whole lives running free, I had them put down. So, in the present case I was just wondering whether this might be some kind of animal purgatory. Should I call the authorities, or what?

    • I know this reply is late and you may have already done something but I suggest going to a nearby shelter and ask them. They have tons of information that you need to know. They’ll let you know that what’s going on is considered animal cruelty.

  19. Why would you think two elderly indoor cats would be better off dead if they are happy being alive? I find this quite disturbing that someone would think putting them down is an option, to be honest.

    • Tracey Brown

      Agreed. That’s a horrible decision. And 10 years old, that’s not that elderly. Mine are both 10 this year and still run about, play, etc. I see no difference to when they were 3 years old.

  20. Laurie Simpson

    My cat Tabby loves being with me I’ve had him for 8 yrs now and I have cancer infact he’s the reason I got tested bc he would always want to sit on my left breast and that’s where I had cancer when I’m in the hospital he will sit by the window and wait for me and when I’m home he sits next to me and sleeps with me I think he really knows how much I love him he’s like one of my kids.

  21. Holy crap! This article was hilarious! Cuteness aggression?!?! I am so happy that I now have a term for this affliction I suffer from. Also the part where you say that no one sits around wondering if their dogs “get it.” Man, I needed that laugh! It also gives me hope that there are such witty people out there.

  22. My cat, Duchess, isn’t a very affectionate cat. Unless it’s with me or my stepfather. She likes to lick, headbut and rub against us. She even tries to take us to my room which is her safe space. It’s an honor that she wants us in there with her. But it’s obvious who’s her favorite of the two of us. Me! She follows me everywhere, greets me when I get home, grooms me, plays with me, sleeps with me, meows when I talk to her and doesn’t use her claws when I have to give her a bath. Surprisingly she doesn’t mind, or at least tolerate, my aggressive cuteness towards her. I think she understands that that’s my way of showing love towards her. Either way she’s a very special and caring kitty.

  23. I love having an opportunity to talk about my wonderful cat, Sylvia. She was 3/4 Siamese and the ugliest, scrawniest of kittens, all mouth and claw. But she grew up to be a beautiful velvety solid black with a remarkable personality. I moved to California from Illinois when she was about six months old and being young and knowing nothing about cats, (only dogs) my husband and I would stop at some beautiful scenic spot and go for a walk with her following free. She never let us out of her sight and had a special voice that she would use that I am sure meant “wait for me”. We moved a lot at first and she would be put outside after our busy weekend move and was always waiting for me when I got home from work. If she wasn’t already there at the door, she would recognize the sound of my car and I would see her racing to get home to greet me. At one place we lived, the grocery store was two blocks away with a traffic light in between and she would walk with me until I came to the busy street. There she would wait for me until I crossed the street on my way back home, and she would walk me the rest of the way home. When I took the dog for a walk she would follow along too, athough not on the side walk with us; instead she preferred to keep to the shrubbery in front of houses. I could go on and on with stories….. Sylvia lived to be 17 and though she’s been gone for almost 50 years, I still tear up whenever I think of her. And I thank my lucky stars that she survived my terrible ignorance about taking care of cats. If I had it to do over again, I would never ever take the same sort of risks!

    Nearly a year ago, I was lucky enough to adopt a brother and sister that are the most loving cats! They were found abandoned on the street when they were less than a week of age and bottle reared until they could be weaned. I don’t know if being raised by humans has made them more affectionate, or whether it’s innate in them, regardless, I am the happy beneficiary of a lot of cat love. Or at least it seems like it. They are wherever I am. If I’m sitting or lying down, they are touching me in some way. When I return from an errand or being outside, they rush to greet my return. They head butt and knead and purr like mad. And they’re smart! I couldn’t ask for better cats.

    But I still miss Sylvia.

    • Diomira Keane

      Thank you so much for commenting, Janet. Sylvia sounds like she was a remarkable kitty. I’m so glad you’ve decided to let 2 new babies into your life as well. No one can replace Sylvia, but I’m sure your new babies will love you no matter what, and vice versa! Cheers! 🙂

      • worldlyman

        Nice cats. I think rearing them instead of their going through the process of full education from Momma Cat plays a part somehow. Genetics might play a part in other cats.

        We never forget our past fur babies. I think of them all too.

  24. My cat Nox (I call him kitty) has been my best friend since he was born. He was born at my friends house and I’d come see him everyday until I could take him home. That was four and a half years ago and now I can’t imagine what I’m gonna do without him.. I know he loves me because every time I see him he makes a cute little chirpy sound and comes running up to me. He always follows me around and he sleeps with me every single night. He’s my best friend. We even share the same birthday

  25. My youngest cat (Blanket, 3 years old) is very vocal. Every time I come home from school I always find her waiting at the door for me. She runs around like a maniac (sometimes jumping onto tables, knocking something over with her feet, then jumping back off and bolting into another room). If she’s alone for more than 10 minutes she’ll start yelling at everyone in the house for attention. Shes very cuddly and loves falling asleep next to/on me. Someti,as she makes very odd noises but I don’t mind because it adds to her odd personality. My other cat (Lilith, 11 years old) is much more quiet. She wanders around more at night time. She won’t really make any movements to tell you she wants attention, she will just give you this really hard stare. Sometimes the cats get into small arguments but they always end up falling asleep together at some point in the day (like sibling rivalry for cats). I love them both!

  26. Teresa E.

    It is so nice to see that there are other cat lovers out there. I seem to live around people that don’t like cats, or animals in general. I have had cats all my life. I had to put my last cat to sleep in August 2012. He was 18 years old and pretty sick. I haven’t had any pets since then basically because I can’t afford to have them. If something changes in the future, I will for sure get some from our local animal shelter.

    • Diomira Keane

      I’m so sorry to hear that, Teresa. It’s always difficult to make that decision, but 18 years is a very long and full life for a kitty. Best of luck to you!

  27. I call my kitty my snuggle bunny. If I sit down for more than a few seconds, he’s on my lap. And he always sleeps with me, and has to be touching me, even if it’s just a paw on my hand. He’s 16 and for a long time he would hide from everyone but me. No one believed me when I talked about how affectionate he was to me. In the last few years he’s gotten more social (took him a while, right?) but he’s always been great to me. I love him soooooo much!

  28. My kitty licks me when he shows affection! He’s been doing it ever since he was a little kitten, and he licks me and “cleans” my hand whenever he’s in a cuddly mood 🙂 he doesn’t like to cuddle that much, but he’ll sit right next to me and fall asleep!

  29. Hey thanks for article. I love it and I love cats.

  30. I love my cat

  31. Awwww my kitty’s love me! The all do the belly flop, they sleep on my neck and tummy and both head bump me and give me nose kisses. The crawl all over my legs, follow me everywhere i go and always come find me on weekend mornings. They know i wake up early and go straight to my couchy domain to catch up on my cartoons. they love to come cuddle. I love my kitties so much!!!!

  32. I’ve had my precious Isabella for 9 years. I got her when she was 12 weeks old. She sits on my lap when I’m watching t.v., that is, when SHE’S in the mood! I love it; she gets pets and kisses, and I tell her that she’s the best kitty there ever was. Sometimes, during the night, she visits me, purring, giving me head-butts, and kneading my arm. She also throws herself in front of me, and shows her belly. She gets lots of pets and tummy scratches. Then, a couple of months ago, I adopted Jackson, a 2 yr old terrier/Chihuahua mix. He’s 15 lbs. During the first few weeks, I had to keep Isabella locked in a bedroom so that Jackson wouldn’t attack her. But, I made a point to spend Quality Time with her everyday. Jackson no long tries to attack; in fact, Isabella doesn’t hesitate to growl and swat at him if he gets too close! The only thing I wish would happen: Isabella being able to sit on one side of me while Jackson is on the other, while I watch t.v. Perhaps that will happen! In the meantime, Isabella meows when I get home (which she didn’t do before Jackson), so I make a point to say hi and give her pets and chin-scratches. Still love to give her kisses on the head, too. She is now visiting me during some nights to say hi and purr and knead. She also throws herself on the floor and shows her tummy. So, I THINK she knows I love her, and I’m glad her world is normalizing! And I’m falling in love with Jackson, too! All in all, my heart loves both of them, and we have a nice little family!

  33. hi i just wanted to say i LOVE the author of this article it’s the funniest thing i’ve ever read

    “fuzzy lovedumpling” “delicious honeybean” SJKSHDKHSHKJ ME @ MY CAT LITERALLY

  34. Harold Smizer

    I found this cat 9ne night last week in my yard,all honey and scared she wouldn’t come out from under the house so I kept putting a can of tuna under there for it( not knowing if it was male or female)after that it had jumped into m6 housethrough a torn screen door..i said well if your gonna be here then I need to get some food for you..I live alone and in a very remote area in the desert so somebody dumped her .She has taken to me quite well and is housebroke..i guess she’s about 6mo at most I call her baby and she responds .What a joy and now I’m not alone.Thanks for letting me share.

  35. My oldest Cat Phantom (she has a stripe on her face around her one eye looks like the mask of Phantom of the Opera) lately has shown so much affection? She use to hiss or bite us and we stocked it up to bring old age she is 16 years old. But now she meows all the time and when I lie down on the couch or bed she curls right up against me and starts licking my hand. If I fall asleep she takes her paw touches my face to wake me up then she kisses my cheek and snuggles right in my knock?? I am shocked she was the one that always never showed affection. My other Cat her name is Katniss Everdean yes named after the Hunger Games, she is about8 years old and she always shows affection. She cuddles plays and sleeps with me all the time. She is very mean sometimes to Phantom. She will attack her but in a fun way, Katniss wants to play but Phantom is too old. They know their names they come when I call them, they are there first thing in the morning when I get them their food. But either way I know in my heart they both love me just like I love them. If I show them affection to one of them the other one comes a running.

  36. Robert J Spahn

    I adopted a Maine Coon kitten mix. About two months ago. Male 5 months when I got him. He was brought to the shelter at 1 month old. I fell in love with him when I first saw him in the cage. He saw me and reached out his paws to me as soon as I saw him. They put me in the introduction place and he fell right into my arms head on my left shoulder purring I held him like a baby and after about 10 minutes with him I knew he was the one I wanted. When they went to take him to prep him. He clung on to me and did not want to leave me. I told him he was a good boy in a soft tone and said everything was going to be alright. I had to break him in one room at a time when I got him I lived out of my bedroom for almost three weeks almost a month. We really bonded during that time. I am a veteran with PTSD and I lived alone before I met my Bear. He is one the most amazing events in my life I am so happy. I have done a lot of reading about cats particularly about Maine Coons. I am learning along the way. The comments on this web-site have been very helpful. I just want to make him happy and give him a wonderful life. I am trying not to spoil him. Last night I was sick I had foot pain and started to have a cold I could not believe how affectionate he was with me last night. He always sleeps with me except when he is mad at me then he sleeps in his self made bed in my clothing rack. He laid his body across my right foot last night after he knew I was in pain there. When he saw I was falling asleep he moved to the head of the bed right next to my head. He did not sleep I woke up in the middle of the night and he was watching over me. When he saw my eyes open he put the side of his head next to my cheek and put his paw on my cheek I was so touched by this event I almost cried. I have no doubt that my Bear loves me. I do everything you said as soon I come in the door I drop everything and pick him up and bring him to our petting chair in my bed room. When he first came to live with me we spent many hours there. I sit there with him everyday pet his ears witch he loves. then he rolls over on his back and wants chest and belly rubs. I tell him I love him I tell him he is a good boy and that I missed him when I was at work. I know he does not know the words but he gets the message I can help giving him a kiss every now and then and he seems to love it. I am a little scared because I know Maine Coons can get really big sometimes 25 pounds and the adult Maine Coons I see on the internet look a little scary. I does not stop me from loving him. I finally broke the habit of hand play with him he was mad at me for a couple of weeks and I had to take a lot of timeouts to get him to stop. Every once in a while he can’t resist attacking my hands and he likes to lure me into hand play with those innocent rolls on the back making me think he wants a belly rub but instead he want to attach my hand and play fight. But I know its not good for him and me especially when he gets bigger. Every month I take him to a spa for nail clipping, ear cleaning and teeth cleaning.
    Thank you for reading my post. Do you think I am doing ok with him if you have any advice please let me know.

    • Hi Robert, Bear sounds like such a special kitty and your friendship is very touching. Main Coons are known for being very gentle and loyal pets. But it is common for kittens to want to play with their humans hands. Like you said, you should try to discourage it while he is still little. We wrote an article on play aggressionn that might help you discourage the behavior. Thank you again for reading our posts and sharing your story. 🙂

  37. I am not really a “cat person.” Generally, neither is my wife. But last year, we rescued a kitten who happened to be hiding under my wife’s front fender. He is a gray-white two tone. We figured to get him warm and fed then adopt him out. But he was very clingy little kitty who bonded really well with our Cockapoo (Roxy) and Fat Chiweenie Thing (Tattoo). It seemed like he really wanted to stay with us so we kept him, freaking litter box and all!

    As a kitten he was very close to the dogs who seemed to look after him at this time. He liked to play ninja ambushes on the Chiweenie. And the sometimes grumpy Chiweenie seemed to enjoy playing with Skittles the kitten when in the mood. And the kitten would take naps with them on the same carpet mat.

    As the kitten grew into a horny young tomcat their dynamic changed. The Chiweenie became less eager with the ninja games. Sometimes you could hear the cat fratically “meoooow” and the Cockapoo “growl” in the den. Sometimes the cat could escape, other times…well. I noticed sometimes the young clown cat would act innocent when in fact sometimes he would instigate things. Other times when the cat would come downstairs, the Cockapoo would bark and chase him around the house.

    In some households, the cat would boss around the family Rottweiler. In mine, the young cat is very respectful and subservient to the Cockapoo. In fact, in the year we have had him Skittles has never hissed or gotten hissy for any reason.

    They all eat at the same time. I feed the cat first since he doesn’t have the dinner manners that the dogs have. And you can’t train a cat those kinds of manners. And the dogs are polite and don’t mess with him while he eats. After the cat finishes eating, he tends to leave some morsels and the Cockapoo would come over and clean up.

    The cat seems to enjoy roosting upstairs but then he seems to enjoy roosting anywhere in the house. He is not one of those cats who gets bothered when I move things around and such. Sometimes all three animals will share the big couch but will find their own spots.

    One time when we came home, all three came rushing out of the hallway bathroom and the cat looked at me like, “We didn’t do anything.” If the door is open in one of the vacant rooms, all three sometimes hang out there. Doing what, I don’t know.

    When I sit on the couch, the dogs will join me…then in a few seconds the cat will normally scamper downstairs and join us. When I nap, the cat would always lie on my hip. One time, after the cat groomed himself clean, the Cockie then licked him for a good many seconds. The cat gave me a frozen look as if to say, “Man, I just spent 20 minutes grooming myself and this damn dog works me over with that stinky half-Poodle tongue!” They are comedians, the Three Stooges…the Crib Pound.

    Yes, the young brat cat knows he is loved. Does that kitty flop for his belly rub. Likes to follow me around. Very talkative, “meow, meow, meow” until I pick him up or pat him on the head.

    Some occasions when he would sneak out of the house (and he is sneaky), probably trying to sow his kitty oats, he would come back in two days meowing at the front door. I guess Skittles the young cat knows where his home is.

    • Tracey Brown

      Lovely! So funny and sweet.

      • worldlyman

        Lol, thanks.

        We moved to another house this past February. In the process of moving, of course, furniture was being scuttled and it seemed to finally stress Skittles to a degree. His urges were also in full swing. He took a frustration swipe at Tattoo the Phat Chiweenie (but no harm done, lol, she didn’t even notice) while we were seated on a remaining sofa. But that remains the one and only time he has shown any…ah, “cat-titude” in his 1.5 years.

        The dogs went to stay at my brother-in-law’s kennel (he has like six dogs including a white husky named Storm), while Skittles the Clown Cat stayed with me and the wife at the sister-in-law’s townhouse. From the moment he was let out of the carrier, he actually enjoyed running all around it.

        About two weeks before we finally left the old house, Skittles got out somehow. We didn’t know how that time. He was gone past his 2.5 days before he would normally return. We feared he may have gotten stuck in the attic somehow and couldn’t get out and maybe passed away there. On the fourth night, we heard this kind of rummaging in my wife’s armoire. I told my wife it might be his spirit saying goodbye before we left. I felt like crying.

        Then on the fifth day, Skittles scampered on the back patio and let out the biggest, “Meowww” I ever heard from him. That was a time of joy even the Cockapoo was glad to see him. Sniffed and licked him all over. We made the decision to finally fix the brat cat before we moved to the new house.

        As the new house was ready, it was Skittles and I that moved in first. My companion as I was trying to get used to it.

        Now in late April, the brat clown cat acts like a kitten again. Always dashing around, pestering the dogs, even snared a fast night lizard that got in the house. Most times the dogs would ignore his antics, sometimes the Phat-weenie may play a little. Every now and then, the Cockapoo will chase the brat cat around. One time even caught him and gave him a body slam, WWE style and I had to scold the dog.

        It’s amazing how I think the cat actually loves the dogs more than vise-versa. One time while the whiny Cockapoo was scratching the back door wanting to be let in, Skittles was actually doing something like a human cry, something like, “Daddy, she wants to be let in now.”

        And Skittles finally developed some dinner manners compared to when he was an impatient mid-kitten. Now when I divide the yummy freshly cooked chicken he actually waits patiently like the dogs. He does have the habit sometimes of going atop the counter but I immediately have to plop him back to the ground as that is not a good kitty habit.

        There were two times Skittles got out of the house for a moment while the door was left open. But instead of darting off for an adventure, he would turn back to the door like he realized there was no reason for adventures anymore.

        While the dogs are in the cage, Skittles sometimes takes a nap on the toweled top and teases them. Of course, it irritates Roxy the Cockapoo. I just laugh that off. And the clown cat thus knows he is loved.

  38. Marianne Wisner

    I have 4 that we rescued from the pound and now a fifth that is actually the neighbors kitten but with our 4 I guess she feels at home. But I have 1 male that is unlike any of the others he’s in love with me and I with him he knows this I can feel the bond we have it’s crazy now he gets on roof of house but it’s low enough from our porch that I can just reach up to help him down he talks not so much meow but another kind of sound, and he did this this morning and he was on the roof I came over reached out and he reached with his front paws to my hands. He does things that I never thought a cat would ever do. I had always had dogs due to a bad car allergie but I got sick with ovarian cancer and the chemo killed my allergies, (gave me allergies to caffeine) I love all of my fur babies but Tigger is my ♥ Ty for listening has this happened to anyone else

  39. Oh my god I am so glad I stumbled across this page! I love love love my little fluffy boy and have always wondered if he knew it. He was adopted almost 2 years ago from a rescue shelter after an abusive kittenhood, and it took a long time before he seemed to realise that he’d found his forever home.
    But, he’s always been cuddly with me – from the first night he’s slept in my room (sometimes even sharing my pillow!), I get regular bunting and bathings, and he rolls over for a belly rub several times a day. I call him my ‘little bug’/’baby bug’ because he’s my snugglebug

  40. My cat always runs to greet me when I come home and will talk to me if I don’t acknowledge him right away (which I try to do). He’s not very vocal, so if he’s talking, he wants something. He was a rescue and spent some time being shuffled around after living in terrible conditions and ending up in foster care. He’s only been with me for eight months, but they have been joyous ones. I feel like we get a bit closer all the time. It has taken a little while for him to see me as his person, but when he snuggles in my hair or just wants me to pet him, I know he’s feeling comfortable and safe. He’s a wonderful, sweet boy and I can’t imagine my life without him. Rescue pets rock and I wish people would choose to adopt instead of purchasing from breeders. What grateful little creatures they are. They know that they’re wanted and loved.

  41. As I was reading the article my fur baby was licking my hand. Now she’s sleeping with her paw touching my arm. Hahaha. I love her so much too. She greets me at the door, sleeps on my chest or close to my neck, smh. She’s
    So grateful for her life, she was a stray I rescued right off the street. But I’m grateful for her love as well!!!?????❤

  42. Omg i agree, one of my 3 cats is 11 now & so fiesty & full of life, 10 isnt that old for a cat. I can’t believe someone could kill their cat so they dont have to bring them to an apt. My little Tabitha went with me from motel to motel & room to room with me for a year when i was having a hard time in my life but as long as i was there & we were together she was happy. I couldn’t fathom putting her (or any healthy happy cat) down unless she was suffering unbearable incurable pain.
    Anyways as im writing this my sweet little Tabitha is laying next to me, i rescued her 4 yrs ago & she is the light of my life, she sleeps on my tummy every night & purrs for me & is always down for cuddle time! I think she knows how much i love her & im lucky to have her love too!

  43. My cat used to greet me and be around my legs all the time up to the day I stepped on his tail. Now he greets me in a strange way, he stays near the door then he runs to the kitchen to rub himself against the kitchen table legs.

  44. Karen J Dsupin

    My cat follows me around the house. When I finally lay down she sits right on my chest. She can’t get any closer, I love my snuggle bunny.

  45. I have a cat that I got from the shelter when he was 3 months old. He greets me at the door, shows his belly, gives kitty kisses, gives me the half open eyes when I say “I love you”, and we even carry on conversations. Lol He’s my handsome little man and my fur baby. He has to know where I am at all times and even sits at my feet when I’m conversing with someone he doesn’t know. I think he’s part dog! He absolutely knows I love him and I know he loves me. I feel sad for people who don’t have snuggly cats because I absolutely love when he curls up by my head, purring in my ear. It’s the greatest stress relief in the world! We might be a little codependent, but he has anxiety, especially after a house fire where I couldn’t find him no matter how many times I ran in for him. I wouldn’t trade him for the world!

  46. Ms Bigglesworth


  47. Kitty kitty bang bang… Lady, I like your style. Kudos on a well written peice.

  48. My Dreamy chose me. I had my eye on his black and white brother, oreo, but dreamy, who is orange and white, made sure I saw him too. While Oreo ignored me, Dreamy would not leave my side. He has been with me through two abusive boyfriends, and four moves. When, for any reason, I am crying, he comes up and lays on my chest. He has to sleep presses up against my chest, or my back, or my legs, lol, essentially I am laying in his bed with his permission. I get heartbroken sometimes that he doesn’t know how much he means to me. He is my therapy cat, and without him, I would be lost. He is, without a doubt, my son. So thank you for posting this. Because it is nice to know that my cat knows that I love him.

  49. Mr. Trouble's Mom

    Our cats show their love by following us into the bathroom, drooling on our shoulders while having their chins scratched, kneading my boobs when relaxing on my lap, and running to the door whenever we come home. We refer to them as little pains in the butt, but we secretly love them to pieces. Thanks for a fun read!

  50. my cat pissed on me while i was sleeping when she was a kitten

  51. Little Miss Inquisitive, better known as Quizzie Destructo The Clepto Demon Kitty, or Quiz for short was in a no kill shelter for almost a year. People who had her got her fixed, declawed then threw her out the door as a young kitten when they moved. A neighbor found her and took her to the shelter. A friend of mine told me about her several times. I had a cat Willow, a tortoise shelled Scottish Fold we rescued the year before. Finally we went and visited with “Laverne” as the shelter named her (after the neighbor that found her) and she came home with us that afternoon.. Quiz and Willow became fast friends, faster on Quiz’s part because of course Willow thought she was being replaced! But soon both girls layer together. Willow didn’t play, I don’t think she was allowed as a kitten. Quiz was the active one, ambushes, playing fetch with a hair tie, stealing anything she could carry, hence the name. (One time I found a bag of bagels behind the bathroom door). We ended up missing a lot of items never to be found, not to this day. After several years Willow developed some health issues and we lost her in 2017, she was 16 YO. For almost a year Quiz had to be touching me all the time. Oh how she grieved the loss of her “sister”. They had both slept on the bed with us, now Quiz had to be touching me as she slept. She got a lot of extra attention and love during this time. Recently she got the “cat flu” and off to vet we ran. Quiz did not like this experience at all, not one bit! She hissed and growled at getting her temperature taken and a shot…trying to bite the vet and her helper. I got the impression they thought I’d brought them a feral cat. I was standing at the end of the exam table when they let go of her and she ran to me and leaned hard against me. Both the Vet and helper had pure shock on their faces. Then Quiz climbed into my arms and hid her head. She loves to bathe my arm. If I didn’t stop her there would be no skin left! I have to distract her out of self preservation! She’s 16 now and can’t jump like she could years ago. I have a footstool at the end of the bed so she can still sleep with us, and a small stool in front of the couch so she can lay there by me (and groom me). She loves the back screened porch (no interest in the big outdoors though, thank goodness) and will sometimes catch a frog or lizard. She has different sounding meows, so I know if she just ate, wants out to the porch, is getting ready to yak up a hair all, is on a foul mood, etc…She follows me around the house, and we even take her traveling in the RV with us. We also have two 11 year old dogs, Aussies that she bosses around… love me some Quiz!

  52. I have two, Brett will be 7 in June, Prince will be 6 in Sept. Both are indoor/outdoor cats As we have some really bad wild critters around, they are usually in before dark or I am outside worrying and calling. They come by me whistling. Brett was almost a year old when rescued, no one wanted him as he had a runny eye. I”s not catching and he is happy with me me wiping it many times per day. He insists on sleeping near my face at night when we first retire and moves to the foot of the bed shortly after. Prince sleeps nearby, but the only time he is near my face is in the morning when he wants me to get up. He puts one toe in my nose and pulls. We think he has a girlfriend under a porch at a nearby home. My son sees him going under the porch and staying for hours. We can not confirm, but we think a small bobcat had a litter and he is just keeping her company. Not his litter as my boys are neutered. He, Prince also has another weird thing he goes to their toy box in the cellar and carries up a toy ball. Drops it on the floor near my door and cries, then bats it around for a few minutes before going to fetch another and starting all over. His record in one night, was 10 balls. He never plays with them during the day. Brett will sometimes bat them around when he sees them. Both are so much fun to have as fur babbies.

  53. my kitty does somersaults and says look at this kitty tumble
    are you jealous you’re not doing somersaults all day?

  54. This was such a great post on cats! Thank you so much I really really enjoyed this 🙂 You’re starting to become one of my fav writers tbh

    Btw you should check this adorable rainbow cat pattern mug I found on etsy!

  55. It is clear that they do not feel the same way as we do, but they express it in their own way. Very good article.

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