The Buzz on Bugs: Insects Your Cat Should Avoid 

The Buzz on Bugs: Insects Your Cat Should Avoid 

“Eating bugs? Not my cat!” you might be thinking. But if your cat is like the majority of our feline friends, they still harbor that desire to hunt. And one of the best ways to satisfy that craving for the thrill of the hunt is by chasing insects. They’re little, they’re quick, and they have a satisfying crunch when you eat them…a perfect snack in a cat’s mind. As disgusting as it may be, your cat’s end goal when chasing insects may be to eat them, but depending on the bug, it might not be such a good idea. 

Crawling Caterpillars 

Caterpillar on leaf

So, these aren’t technically insects…yet, but some of them can still pose a problem if your cat eats them. Monarch caterpillars and wooly bears can be toxic if ingested by your kitty. Other caterpillars can bite or sting, causing irritation, especially in those sensitive tissues of the mouth and nose. Other types of caterpillars are capable of stinging, similar to a bee. While the amount of venom that they inject isn’t likely enough to harm your cat, the possible allergic reaction to that venom can be very dangerous. Simba, of the Lion King, may have thought of caterpillars as slimy, yet satisfying, but you’re better off to play it safe and keep your cat away from them. 

Cocky Cockroaches 

While some of them might be the size of a mouse, it doesn’t mean your cat should eat cockroaches. Not only is their tough exoskeleton a potential irritant for your cat’s delicate digestive system, cockroaches can also carry parasites. Once ingested by your cat these parasites will ditch the cockroach and make their home in your kitty. 

Flying Fireflies 

Fireflies are fun to watch and chase by everyone, including your cat. However, ingesting one of them can be toxic. The compound that makes fireflies glow, lucibufagins, can cause an upset stomach in your kitty, and if ingested in high enough amounts can actually be deadly. Fortunately, fireflies are pretty quick, so it would take a very skilled and determined cat to catch enough to cause a problem. 

Stunning Stingers 

It goes without saying that you don’t ever want to see your cat get stung by a bee or wasp, and this is especially true if they’re trying to eat them. While one sting from a bee usually won’t cause much more than a bit of discomfort for most cats, for others can be mean anaphylactic shock and even death. Just like some humans, some kitties can have severe allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings. Not only that, if your cat is trying to eat a bee or wasp, that sting is going to be near or in the mouth and nose. Any amount of swelling in these areas can be a serious problem, and you should call your vet immediately.  

Anxious Ants 

One fire ant bite is little more than an annoyance, but we all know that ant bites typically don’t come solo. Rather, fire ant bites usually come in multiples of tens or hundreds. For most kitties a couple of fire ant bites will lead to some swelling and irritation, but if they get into a fire ant hill, they could get bitten enough to cause a serious allergic reaction. Fire ant toxin, that is released when they bite, can also be poisonous enough to kill a small cat or kitten, if in large enough quantities. 

Sly Spiders 

There are two main poisonous spiders, the black widow and the brown recluse, to worry about when it comes to your cat. A creeping spider may be especially tantalizing for your cat to watch, and either of these two species are capable of causing major issues if they bite. The toxins from these spider bites are capable of causing localized reactions that lead to tissue death and massive wounds. They also are capable of causing systemic issues like fever, weakness, staggering, and paralysis. 

Don’t let their size fool you, bugs are nothing you want your cat to deal with. While most insects provide an innocent game of cat-and-bug, you can never be too careful. Try to keep insects off of your kitty’s snack tray and always contact your veterinarian immediately if your cat gets stung, bitten, or ingests any questionable insects. 


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