There’s a lot of responsibilities behind being an adult cat owner: making sure there’s food in the bowl, routinely changing the cat box, giving the feline a name that is neither cliché nor a reminder of the kid from gym class that collected his belly lint (stay off the couch, Ralph). Between the responsibilities of owning a cat and the commitments of adulthood, one simple task may be overlooked: spending time with your cat.

Working full-time can often mean just passing by your feline buddy in the morning as you rush out of the door. Friendly ghosts aside, your critter receives no interactions for roughly eight to ten hours! Once back home, owners may dive straight for the pillow or use the limited free hours for social outings.
Much like humans, cats can have a negative response to negligence. According to CatBehaviorAssociates, signs that your cat may be seeking attention can vary in excessive meowing, walking in between the owner’s legs, knocking items over, and even biting. Another sign to look out for is when they jump up to your level: a getting-in-your-face approach to not being the center of attention. This tactic can result in an increase of cat litter remnants on your sofas and high chairs…not to mention, death stares.

Not spending time with your furry roommate can also have a damaging effect on a cat’s health. Lack of time spent can cause apathy. When the only incentive for movement is using the cat box and getting food, weight gain can also be an outcome. Felines are capable of letting their owner’s know if something is wrong with them based off of their actions. It is important to pay attention to your cat’s behavior in order to recognize any harmful conditions.
A condition can go unnoticed is feline depression. According PetInsurance, cat’s may develop the kitty blues after loss of a loved one (whether human or fellow pet), change in environment, and –surprise- loneliness. Depressed cats can show signs of aggression, hiding for long periods of time, and lack of self-grooming. It can be difficult to spot these symptoms when overconsumed by non-cat related issues.

Like any relationship, finding a way to fit quality time with your furball is key. For full-time grad student/Resident Director at Kutztown University Katie Sternbergh, bonding time takes place first thing in the morning:
“Before I go to work, I wake up 10 minutes early to spend time with her” in regards to her 13 year-old calico, Jade Sternbergh-Griffiths. “I’ll pet her, I’ll brush her, let her run around with the laser. She is my baby.”
For those that aren’t partial to early morning playtime, there are evening alternatives as well. Relaxing while your favorite reality show is on? Use that time to simultaneously brush your cat with his or hers favorite deshedding tool. Treating yourself to post-workout raw cookie dough? Why not you both be bad and offer the little one a (proportionally reasonable) treat to match. With election season in full effect, some may want to appear informed on the political climate. Address your cat with talking points as if the mouser the libertarian mailman you want to impress. Practice makes puuurfect!

Remember: your cat is a living creature with emotions; not a household ornament. He or she will appreciate your dedicated time. In turn for your affection, perhaps the fuzzy feline will let you sleep in on the weekend without batting your forehead (which we all know, you secretly love.)