About Us

Online Magazine Front Page Meews created by Petnovations the maker of the CatGenie

Re-launched in early 2020, CatGazette (formerly Front Page Meews) is a pet magazine created by the minds of Petnovations, the maker of the CatGenie.

We created the CatGenie Self Washing Cat Box to provide a service we couldn’t find anywhere else, a truly self cleaning litter box. With our product we revolutionized the litter box concept and gave the world the gift of never touching cat litter again.

We decided we wanted to give you more. We have been searching the internet trying to dig up cool information about cats and pets to share with our friends and, even as great researchers, we had a hard time finding interesting stuff we liked to read. So we tracked down some expert pet parents to write unique articles for pet lovers like us. And there you have it, CatGazette was born. We hope you enjoy it!

Interested in joining our group of authors? Love to write about cats and pets? Send us an email at support@catgenie.com for more info.



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