The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is just around the corner! A time when all anybody wants to do is grab kitty and set up camp on the couch until Christmas. And, just as it is every year, what’s after the turkey day promenade? The National Dog Show, of course! As a lover of puppers, I am always beyond thrilled to ogle every fine canine the world has to offer. However, I can’t help but wonder, what are cat shows like?
Cat Fancy
If you Google “cat shows,” the first link that comes up is one of the biggest names in the game: The Cat Fancier’s Association. The CFA has been holding annual cat show competitions since 1994, both nationally and internationally. Now, I know what you may be thinking. It must take a LOT to enter a kitty into something as, well, fancy-sounding as The Cat Fancier’s Association. And yes, it’s true, they do hold pedigree competitions. But, if you’re a newbie who just wants everyone to coo over Frank, your non-purebred house cat who’s maybe had a few too many biscuits, you can! There is a household pet competition as well for beginners too. Plus, you can feel good knowing that The CFA is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to prioritize the well-being of all cats.

What to Expect
So, what should you expect if you choose to enter your cat in a cat show? According to The CFA website, “It is prudent to arrive at the show hall at least an hour before the announced start of judging hours. When you arrive, check in with the entry clerk, where you will receive a cage number and benching row designation. Then locate your cage and set it up.” The CFA recommends checking the judging schedule and locating each ring beforehand. That way, “you won’t be the cause of an embarrassing delay or possibly, completely missing judging of your cats class.” Good news is, apparently there is a lot of time spent between judging. This means you can tour the show, seeing different breeds and talking with their owners.
Getting to show off your baby and soaking in the gloriousness of all the other competing kitties? Sign me up! The CFA describes a cat show as “fun, educational, and most gratifying as those ribbons and trophies accumulate.” Ribbons or no ribbons, I’m just stoked about meeting all those new kitty friends!
History Of Cat Shows
It may surprise you to know that cat shows actually date as far back as the 1800s. In fact, the very first cat show, called The First Crystal Palace Cat Show, took place on July 13th, 1871 in London. It was organized by a man named Harrison Weir, an artist and fervent ailurophile. This show featured a broad array of beautiful exotic cats such as Manx, Angora, and the elusive Scottish Wild Cat belonging to the Duke of Sutherland.
The response to this show was unprecedented. Over 20,000 guests attended the show, vastly surpassing the expectations of the organizers. And thus, the cat show craze was born.

Cat Competitions On Television
You may remember a show I mentioned from one of my previous articles called Catwalk: Tales From The Cat Show Circuit. This show follows the journey of two competing cat moms and their prize-winning fur babies who were facing off in a head-to-head battle for Best In Show. If you’re interested in a front row seat for a behind-the-scenes look at what life is like as a cat show competitor, this is a great place to start. Catwalk documents all the stressful (and exciting!) moments of life as a kitty beauty queen.
The Kitty Bowl
Speaking of kitty competitions, we simply can’t forget one competition that everyone looks forward to every year: The Kitten Bowl. Ah, The Kitten Bowl. I simply couldn’t write an article this close to Thanksgiving and not mention the freaking Kitten Bowl. For those who are not in-the-know, The Kitten Bowl is a delightful, fantastical exposition of kitten athleticism that the Olympian gods themselves envy with all their, uh, Olympian might. It takes place every year on the Hallmark channel, and has been running since 2014. Now, of course, this is not in quite the same vein as a “proper” cat show, but the entertainment value is through the roof. Programs such as this help cats and kittens find homes through raising awareness and offering adoption services. Specifically, The Kitten Bowl is in partnership with North Shore Animal League, an organization that’s mobilizing to rescue, nurture, adopt, and educate.

With all the competition that comes along with, well, being in a competition, it’s important to remember that the point of cat shows is to admire cats and have fun! Even if you’re not competing, it can be quite a hoot to watch from the sidelines and get a chance to see some exotic breeds that you might not get to see up close otherwise. So, do you think your house cat has what it takes to strut their stuff in a cat show? Of course they do! Honestly, if it were me, every cat would get a 10/10. I guess I won’t be adding “Cat Show Judge” to my resume anytime soon.