Should You Shave Your Cat?

Should You Shave Your Cat?

One of the biggest concerns many potential cat-parents face is the issue of grooming. How often will you have to brush your new baby? What if she doesn’t like getting brushed? What if she gets a knot? While it’s true that certain breeds of cat require much more upkeep than others, one of the best ways to keep those knots out of your sweet pudding’s coat is to shave it altogether. But what do you need to know before you shave your cat?

Benefits of Getting Your Cat Shaved

In particular, if you have a long-haired cat such as a Maine Coon or a Persian, grooming your kitty shmookums is actually insanely vital to their health and general well-being. I mean, alright, I know I’m hyperbolizing a bit, but you know how frustrating it is to try to brush a huge knot out of your hair. Ladies, come on. You know. Now try to imagine that that hair is all over your body, and the only thing you have to brush yourself with is your own tongue. Can you imagine? It sounds like some weirdly specific, Dante’s Inferno-style punishment for some bizarre wrongdoing you committed in life. Fortunately, kitties are well-equipped to groom themselves, but from time to time, they could use a little help.

For instance, one of my kitty buddies growing up was a fat Persian cat, aptly named Fatty. In her winter years, grooming herself became increasingly difficult, which caused her fur to become a huge matted mess, which quickly became dirty and heavy. While Fatty is an extreme case, it’s beneficial to remember that a bad grooming situation can quickly escalate and cause your pumpkin a lot of discomfort which can be easily avoided, but not so easily remedied.

Once Fatty’s self-care abilities began to wane, we started taking her to the vet to get shaved, and let me tell ya – it drastically increased her overall mood and behavior. Not only was she clearly more comfortable and relaxed, but even as a curmudgeonly old lady cat, she seemed – dare I say it – chipper. It was amazing, and as an added bonus, she looked fabulous. FABULOUS, DAHLING!

But the benefits of getting your cat shaved don’t end there. With summer getting ready to slap us in the face with triple-digit temperatures, giving Mr. Bean a shave may be just the thing he needs to keep cool during the oppressively humid days we have waiting for us in the not-so-distant future. Plus, you get to pick a neat hairstyle for your cat. For Fatty, I always went with the lion look. You will technically be able to have an actual mini-lion in your home. That’s a big ol’ dash in the “pro” section if ever there was one, if you ask me. Am I right? MINI-LION. Not a fan of the lion cut? How do you feel about dragons? Your cat not me able to appreciate how punk rock they look, but they’ll sure as freaking heck appreciate not having to chew at the knots on their butt.

How to Shave Your Cat

So now that we’ve weighed the benefits of shaving your cat, let’s talk logistics. While it’s okay to try to clip some of the smaller, lighter knots out of your kitty’s coat yourself, PLEASE consider taking your babe to the groomer as soon as possible if she’s got a particularly massive clump in her coat. The longer you wait to take her, the bigger and tighter the mat becomes, which will inevitably begin to pull on her skin and cause a lot of unnecessary irritation and discomfort.

Trying to cut that whole mess out yourself may result in serious lacerations (for you and your cat) and could potentially make the situation a whole lot worse, especially if the knot is in a very sensitive area, like around the hind legs, where cats are most prone to getting clumps and mats. The best option is to take your sweet baby snowdrop to your local groomer and have ‘em sheer down your darling honeydew. Go big or go home, right?

With all the benefits of shaving your cat in mind, weigh your options and consider what’s best for you and your cat. No one knows your cat better than you do. Deciding whether or not to give your kitty friend a shave could drastically improve your cat’s quality of life, especially if they are an older, long-haired cat such as Fatty. For younger, short-haired cats, giving your cat a trim may be unnecessary, and you may want to stick with a regular grooming routine with a cat brush. Remember to always go with the option that you feel your cat would most benefit from.

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